Slimemold's Toy Blog

Calico Critters Baby Duo - Undersea Friends

January 13, 2023.

To kick off the Non-Horse section of my Blog, I will be showing off a special selection of adorable Calico Critters.

These delightful bambines are clad in magical little costumes-- Mo Mole dressed in a ray suit, and Poppy Yellow Labrador in a shark costume.

Their numbers are done in unhemmed felt and seem quite delicate. They are very, very cute.

The ray costume is nauseating. Rarely do you see something so silly and cute. Mo Mole's face can be seen where the ray's mouth would be. Nostrils and gill slits are painted onto the white fabric of the costume. True to a real-life ray, the costume has bead eyes on its dorsal (Mo's back) side, and you can also see that it has a little tail. The shark suit is cute, too! It has a gray spot around the belly. Poppy Yellow Lab's face sticks out the mouth hole of the shark costume, with big, triangular teeth framing the face. The costume has a tail sticking out the back side.

These two were purchased as a set at a Barnes and Noble bookstore, which sells Calico Critters for some reason! These toy sets are quite expensive for their size and the number of items you get, but are super cute and seem high quality.

Of the two, the ray suit is easily my favorite. However, they make an adorable little pair and would make a fine little home on your desk or in your Critter warren.