Slimemold's Toy Blog

Calico Critters Mole Family

April 9, 2023.

Wow. That's all there really is to say. These things are awesome. Love the mole family.

As is typical of Calico Critters, they are flocked with little felt outfits on. The mole family, as you can see, is clad largely in vests with mantles, while the baby dons a cute romper. The parent moles have smiles on their faces, and the baby's snout comes to an adorable, near-featureless point. I really enjoy them.
This mole family is an online exclusive, found on the official website for the brand. There have been other mole families released before these that are rarer and quite expensive. If you crave the mole family, this is a good option, though earlier releases had different outfits.

Pictured here is the mole family baby with another Critter from my collection, a Japanese release that wears a Mola mola hat (the fish is called "manbo" in Japanese).