Slimemold's Toy Blog

Absent-minded Master of R'lyeh, Chibi Cthulhu-chan DX

July 15, 2023.

Chibi Cthulhu-Chan is an incredibly cute, high-quality figure based on a previous design, "Idol Cthulhu-Chan." Cthulhu-Chan is a bishoujo design based on the legendary character, Cthulhu. Both incarnations of Cthulhu-Chan were made by the Chinese company, Fengrong. Chibi Cthulhu-chan is a small, cute version of the Idol design, which includes the figure with a scenery base.

She is adorable! She has beautifully sculpted tentacle-hair, cute wings on her back and head, a fluffy lolita-style dress, and cute stockinged feet. The block she sits on is sculpted to look weathered, and is covered in blue barnacles. She sits in a ruin, strewn with decrepit columns and arches, with a crescent moon looming in the back. The transluscent moon hides a surprise--

It lights up! The stand is powered by batteries and is a great accessory for our friend Cthulhu-Chan.

My preorder included some bonuses: an acrylic stand, some mini-Cthulhu magnets, and two coins with art of Cthulhu-Chan.

This is a really fantastic figure. It's got great sculpt quality, a great paintjob, as well as a unique, interesting design. Cthulhu-Chan is just very cute. I'm glad that I was able to add her to my collection. Cthulhu-Chan seems quite contented in R'lyeh... I wonder what she's dreaming about.