These ponies are a not uncommon secondhand find, so I was surprised it took me a while to ever get to them. In my opinion, they resemble the Sweetheart Sister Ponies from G1, as they have long, thin limbs, and more "mature" looking faces-- with a different eye-to-head size ratio. These fakies are, however, much smaller than a G1 MLP. Another feature they share with the Sweetheart Sisters is a small stripe of eyeshadow behind their lashlines. These fakies are quite pretty, and I see them often in thrift stores, but I haven't found many variations myself.
For whatever reason, this orange/white Sister with a lemon is the most common in my collection. She has pink eyeshadow and blue eyes. Here she is in varying degrees of frizziness/yellowing.
This Sister has excitable yellow hair, found at the thrift store with the equally as frizzy orange/white Sister. She has yellow eyeshadow that matches her mane, and blue eyes. Her bright green body color is eye-catching, and she shares a lemon symbol with her Sister-sister.
The combination of light and dark blue seen in this pony makes for a simple, but pretty color scheme. She has blue eyes and has blue eyeshadow that is difficult to differentiate from the color of her bdoy. This Sister has the mysterious four-lobed-shape (or plant?) symbol.
This mini Sister is my favorite. Her body is an unusual off-yellow, and she has a nice green mane. She has blue eyes and wears green eyeshadow that is similar to the color of her mane. Her hair is particularly long and soft. Her symbol is a bright pink heart overlapping burnt-orange flowers(?).
I didn't realize until now that these pictures are weirdly dark. Sorry about my dungeon ponies. Thanks for reading as always.