Slimemold's MLP Blog

Knockoff Gi Go Baby

July 4, 2022.

This green pony is a personal favorite of mine. I call her the Rat Princess Baby Pony.
She's made from a knockoff Gi Go mold.

She always seems to be in good humor.

She's cute with a strange mirthful face.
Her hair sticks up however it wants.
The three diamonds in her cutie mark are mysterious. They're not gems-- just diamond shapes.

She's only got a cutie mark on one side of her body.

From the front, one might notice that her eyes aren't focused on anything in particular.
She also has indents for hair plugs that could theoretically go farther up her head than her actual hairline, but the needle didn't make it through the plastic.

This pony is cute and funny looking. I'm on the lookout for other similar ponies.