Below is my current collection of white ponies.
All of these ponies come from thrifting endeavors.
This first white pony is elegant with long, detailed legs and thick green hair. She has a cutie mark of a cluster of grapes on a vine, which is quaint and uncommonly tangible, as far as fakie cutie marks go.
This pony's hair has tinsel mixed into it and her body is glossy and smooth. She seems to have a kind smile.
What her cutie mark could possibly be is far beyond me.
The final pony has a confronting and sharp eye and closed lips. She, too, has sculpted hooves, and her legs and hooves have a rounder look to them than those of the first pony. She shares her pose with one of the pink ponies, and the Alicorns from the Unicorn Play Set.
She came with some kind of colorful spiky ball hair ornament tangled in her mane. It seems likely that her previous owner had put it there, since it was also unfortunately full of human hair.